Youth Congress 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009 · 0 comments

Calling all Youths from all Colleges & Uni, come and join us! Rotaract Club of Taylor's University College & Port Klang Centennial presents,

Learn How To Break Through To Your Next Level…

At Taylors University College’s Youth Congress:
“Leading change: Discover The Power Within!”

• Some of us are stuck where we are…
• Some of us lack the tools to break through to a new level…
• Some of us are stuck not knowing how to express what we want or where we want to go…
• …some of us are … just like you??

If that sounds familiar, fantastic then you’ll have an amazing time at this one day symposium featuring some of the country’s best speakers…

Speaker Profile:
- Keynote speaker: Datuk Vinod Petra Group CEO
- Youth Entrepreneurs: Melvin Chan, founder of myTalent Edge
- Youth Star Assistant Editor: Niki Cheong
- Prominent blogger and investigative journalist for The Sun newspaper: R. Nadeswaran (“Citizen Nades”)
- Leadercronomics CEO: Roshan T

Besides seminar, we provide 2 Intensive modules on Problem Solving Skills & Effective Communication for participant to get involve in the workshop which splits up into a few small groups.

Entrance fee for Early Birds are RM 5
(walk-in on that day is RM10)

For Registration please contact:
Michelle Yong:017-396 7296
RSVP (Link)

* Payment made before the event date are RM 5 only
* due to Limited seats it's based on First come first serve on RM 5 payment made.
* Lunch & Refreshment are provided =)

Booths will be open in Main Campus & Taylor's Business School G-floor on 26th till 6 Nov 2009.

UWE Recuritment Drive

Thursday, October 1, 2009 · 0 comments

Organised by ECA center, during UWE orientation clubs of taylor's were gathered together in Taylor's Multipurpose hall (MPH) to promote our clubs to the new intakes!
some team building activities that we Rotaracters of Taylor's couldn't resits joining into, as we formed groups with the UWE students

standing Tall. Jeff, along with other UWE in a group posing with their work ;p

A team of us here taking a group picture before the promotions starts! Big Thanks for all of you who came & help out, we had fun while working rite? hehehe

Till then... More improvements will be made for Recruitment!

About Us

We're an International Non-Profit Youth Organisation for youths ages between 18-30 for self development and contributing to the society while interacting with one another and promoting International Understanding. RAC Taylor's University is sponsored by Rotary Club of Pantai Valley (District 3300 Malaysia).

Fellowship Through Service


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